Wednesday, July 07, 2004

A Progressive Scholars' and Activists' Conference on Anti-Semitism and The Left.

I don't know much about the people putting on this conference, but it addresses a very critical issue on the left.

Check out their website

August 21 - 23, 2004
Oakland Marriott Downtown
Oakland, California
Presented by Catalyst to Coalition

This conference is a gathering of Progressives and activists to share and develop our ideas, theories, and personal reactions to anti-Semitism within ourselves and our own communities, in an atmosphere of self-reflection, mutual respect and deep concern.

From their purpose page

The purpose of this conference is to:

Bring together diverse activists from many parts of the Left who are concerned about anti-Semitism.

Develop effective and responsible strategies for challenging anti-Semitism within our organizations and our political theories

Learn from one another about the history of anti-Semitism, about traditional stereotypes against Jews, and how we see those bigotries living within our psyches and in our current activist beliefs.

Validate that non-Jewish allies’ concern about anti-Semitism is an essential Progressive issue.

Develop the concept of coalition politics to include Jews among other oppressed peoples, counteracting the divide and conquer strategy that benefits larger forces of control.

Examine our ideas about oppressed groups who are
in conflict with one another, in order to show concern
for the oppression of both.

Strengthen the Left by learning to work with
organizations primarily concerned with anti-Semitism.

This conference will not attempt to resolve any
international disputes and will not produce any
resolutions or statements about any international

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