Sunday, May 08, 2005

Nazis held convention in KC

The National Socialist Movement held their national convention in the Kansas City area in April, according to the Kansas City Star.

Photos posted on the group's Web site show members gathered at the Berliner Bear, a German restaurant in south Kansas City. About 30 men and women were dressed in uniforms with swastikas. One picture is of a cake with the message, “Happy 116th Birthday Adolf Hitler.”

The Berliner Bear's owner, Bill Womack, denied any knowledge of the group.

This is about six weeks after another Nazi group, the Aryan Nations, proposed--and then cancelled--moving its national headquarters to Kansas City. See our report here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for Candace Evans, the very nice (and extremely beautiful) server at the Berliner Bear. She probably had no idea this could happen there. Bill Womack, the owner…hmmm, yeah, I can see him hosting a Nazi party. I hope Candace finds a better place to work.