Sunday, May 08, 2005

Ryun, Kline Won't Run for Governor

Lawrence Journal-World

U.S. Rep. Jim Ryun, who represents west Lawrence, and Atty. Gen. Phill Kline, both conservative Republicans, said they had decided against running for governor in 2006.

"I plan to run for re-election. That has been my plan for some time," Kline said when asked whether he was going to make a gubernatorial bid.

Ryun posted a message on his Web site that said he planned to seek a sixth term in Congress.
Jerry Moran, 1st District Congressman, who was seen as the best, if not only, candidate to bridge the moderate-conservative gap has already bowed out. Considering the race is House Speaker Doug Mays, part of the conservative wing but one who has recently alienated some right-wingers by not keeping moderate GOPers from being moderate GOPers. Senate Majority Derek Schmidt says he doesn't want to run, but might if someone else doesn't step forward who can appeal to both moderate and conservative GOPers.

Other possible Republican candidates include Secretary of State Ron Thornburgh and State Treasurer Lynn Jenkins.

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